January 17, 2024

Can you spoil a baby?

Why You Should Pick Up Your Crying Baby
Written by
Dragana Doncic

When babies are born their only way to communicate is through crying and the most natural thing you can do is to pick your baby up and hold her. You cannot spoil the baby.

Nurturing Your Child's Social Development and Emotional Well-Being

Babies need constant attention. They cry because they are hungry, sleepy or uncomfortable. Your baby might be as well just lonely, seeking your full presence.

I know many new parents prepared themselves for what is coming before the baby was born, however, theoretical knowledge becomes just words on the paper when the baby is around - and you end up as a confused new parent with no idea what to do next, thinking of all those things you’ve been advised not to do. One of them is - Do not pick your baby up when it is crying, you are going to spoil her! - and that’s a myth.

I know that parenting can be really stressful at times, but no matter how tired you are, you should pick your baby up, your baby needs you, now more than ever. The way and how you are going to accommodate your baby’s needs now is going to reflect on the relationship you are going to have with your child later in life. Being there for your crying baby in her first days of life is fundamental for her social development and emotional well-being. It is our job to be there for them. We should relate to their distress, not ignore them when they are crying.

New parents should know that spoiled babies are manipulative, but babies learn how to manipulate between eight to twelve months old, although even then you should answer your babies’ needs as often as you can.

Only when your child starts talking is the moment when you can have the opportunity to negotiate and start disciplining your child properly. Until then I would sincerely advise parents to be attentive to their child's needs. Of-course setting healthy boundaries and giving them a clear stop and no, when needed is not just recommended, but it's necessary. I am sure that most of you will know when this first NO should kick in.

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